How to Get There

Arrival & map

Next City:  Dresden  (22 km)

Arrival information:

By car

  • from Dresden

          via A17, exit Pirna and further along the road towards Glashuette (follow the signposts) 


          via B172 towards Pirna/ Saechsische Schweiz (Saxon Switzerland), following the signposts towards                 Altenberg in Heidenau, the road will lead you right to the castle (about 20 km/ 12.5 mi from Dresden)


Parking facilties

Parking facilities for cars and tour buses available. 


By public transport

  • city rail S1 from Meissen/Dresden or from Schoena/Pirna to Heidenau and then by: rail replacement transport »Mueglitz River Valley Rail SB72 (Heidenau - Altenberg)« to Weesenstein 
  • bus (Mon - Fri): bus line 202 (Heidenau - Glashuette) to Weesenstein (stop Gemeindeamt Weesenstein)
  • for more information, please, go to
  • Come here by bus or rail

By car

from Dresden:

  • via A17, exit Pirna and further along the road towards Glashuette, follow the signposts
  • or via B172 towards Pirna/ Saechsische Schweiz (Saxon Switzerland), in Heidenau follow the signposts towards Altenberg

from Saxon Switzerland/Pirna:

  • B172 towards Dresden up to bridge ‘Sachsenbrücke’, follow the signposting
  • Parking facilities for cars and tour buses are available.

By public transport

  • city rail S1 from Meissen/Dresden or from Schöna/Pirna to Heidenau
  • then by Mueglitz Valley Rail SB72 (Heidenau - Altenberg) to Weesenstein

More information for traveling by public transport can be found here.

Admission & opening hours


  • Full rate 8,00 EUR
  • Reduced rate 7,00 EUR

Opening hours

Subject to modifications.